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Azure Event Hub Configuration Example

On this page you will learn how to configure the Nodinite Pickup Logging Service to fetch Nodinite JSON Log Event from an Azure Event Hub.

graph TD subgraph "Azure Event Hub" storage(fa:fa-boxes Storage Container) roS(fal:fa-border-outer Event Hub Entity) end subgraph "Nodinite instance" roPS(fal:fa-truck-pickup Pickup Service) roS --> roPS roPS --- |Checkpoint| storage roPS --> |Long term storage|roDB(fal:fa-database Log Database) end


The EventHubs section is where you manage Azure EventHub related sources. The JSON Log Events on the event hub may come from logging using a Policy from your API management entry points, please review the 'Logging the Request/Response from the Azure API Management platform' user guide.

  • An Azure Event Hub (target for Logging).
    • You can use one or more Event Hub entities as the target.
  • A storage container to keep track of the current checkpoint.
    • Each Event Hub Entity must have its unique container to store the bookmark (checkpoint).


You must have one unique storage container per unique Event Hub entity! Otherwise, you will overwrite the checkpoint, preventing the Logging feature from being operational.

The configuration file (Settings.json), is in JSON format, the default path is:

C:\Program Files\Nodinite\Logging Agent - Pickup Service\Settings.json
  "EventHubs": [
      "Enabled": true,
      "LogAPI": "http://localhost/Nodinite/Dev/LogAPI/",
      "UseConfigurationDatabase": false,
      "ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString": null,
      "EventHubConnectionString": "Endpoint=sb://replaceme.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=somename;SharedAccessKey=replaceme-1337=;EntityPath=replaceme",
      "EventHubName": null,
      "StorageContainerName": "event-hub-replaceme",
      "StorageAccountName": "replaceme",
      "StorageAccountKey": "replaceme-42=",
       "ReplaceRules": [
          "Name": "Fix Endpoint real customer id to {customerId}",
          "ReplaceName": false,
          "ReplaceUri": true,
          "Pattern": "/([0-9]{4,})$",
          "Group1Value": "{customerId}"

EventHubs is an array of a EventHub configuration. Each configuration is valid for one source Event Hub Entity. This configuration tells the Log Agent where to look for log messages with the Nodinite JSON Log Events.

Property Description Value Example Comment
EventHubConnectionString Connection string for EventHub Endpoint=sb://replaceme.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=[KeyName];SharedAccessKey=[Key];EntityPath=[EntityPathName]
EnableAmqpLinkRedirect A flag used to control the EnableAmqpLinkRedirect property true (default) - currently not honoured. Default is True Review more information here
EventHubName Name of the EventHub If EntityPath=[EntityPathName] is not provided in the connection string then you must provide the name using this entry
StorageAccountName Storage Acccount Name in use to store the checkpoint (syncpoint) Please review the Storage Account Name section below
StorageAccountKey The access key to the storage account Please review the Storage Account Keys section below
WebProxy Proxy Sets the EventProcessorOptions.WebProxy Property. When in use, also set the TransportType = EventHubsTransportType.AmqpWebSockets
StorageContainerName Name of the storage Checkpoints are being used and these are written to the storage
Enabled Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
LogAPI Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
UseConfigurationDatabase Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
ReplaceRules Review the shared Replace Rules section for additional information


You must restart the Nodinite Pickup Logging Service for the changes to the configuration file to be operational.

Note about EnableAmqpLinkRedirect

Clients that use AMQP connections over TCP require ports 5671 and 5672 to be opened in the local firewall. Along with these ports, it might be necessary to open additional ports if the EnableLinkRedirect feature is enabled. EnableLinkRedirect is a new messaging feature that helps skip one-hop while receiving messages, thus helping to boost throughput. The client would start communicating directly with the back-end service over port range 104XX.

A .NET client would fail with a SocketException ("An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions") if these ports are blocked by the firewall. The feature can be disabled by setting EnableAmqpLinkRedirect=false in the connectiong string, which forces the clients to communicate with the remote service over port 5671.

Storage Account Name

The StorageAccountName can be found as pictured below in the Azure Portal:
Storage Account Name

Storage Account Keys

The StorageAccountKey can be found as pictured below in the Azure Portal:
Access Keys


Use the value from a Key, Not the connection string.

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