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Manage Azure Service Bus Topic Resources

Manage monitoring thresholds and perform administrative remote actions on Microsoft Azure Service Bus topics and services for configured subscriptions.

This agent among many other queue services allows you to monitor Microsoft Azure Service Bus Topics and related Subscriptions.
List of example Resources

Thresholds for topic subscription depth and age can be either global or unique per configured specific topic to monitor.

Delegate the power to control all or individual Service Bus Topic resources to selected team members and the business. This feature helps the people involved in the support and maintenance team have the power to manage problems with your Service Bus Topics and services without having individual direct access to the Microsoft Azure Portal. Limiting the number of attack vectors, and having fewer people with high access rights minimizes the risk of disruption of mission-critical services.

Stockpiling messages is terrible for your business. So we developed this Monitoring Agent to give end-users the power to get alerts and manage content to keep the system healthy.

Application Management Team IT Operations Business
Let your AM team resolve problems with content on Azure Service Bus Topics Stay in complete control, end to end, with access to everything Give your business self-service control for Servicebus topic resources

Remember: Avoid the blame game, all sensitive operations are Audit Logged.


From Monitor Views with Service Bus Topic and Subscription Resources; The Message Queueing Monitoring Agent features the following Remote Actions:

Topics Subscriptions
Edit thresholds N/A
Details Details
Enable Enable
Disable Disable

All these options can also be managed from within the global Configuration

As an Administrator with access to Monitoring Agents from the Remote Administration dialogue, you can further manage:

  • Add and Remove Azure subscriptions (with Topics and Subscriptions)
    • Add and Remove Resource groups within each subscription
  • Enable and Disable Monitoring
  • Manage thresholds - Global and specific
  • Filter - Remove Topics that you do not wish to monitor using regular expressions (RegEx)

Please review the global Configuration for additional details about how to configure Nodinite and the Message Queueing Monitoring Agent

Service Bus Topic

A User with access rights to a Monitor Views with the Resources of the Category 'Service Bus Topic' where Remote Actions are allowed can perform the Actions documented next.

Actions Action button
Remote Actions
Menu items

Edit thresholds

The monitoring is based on thresholds. You can manage the following properties:

Manageable thresholds for selected Topic

If you see the following warning message it means that this topic is using global thresholds. When you click on the Save button you will start to use specific thresholds instead.

Convert global to specific threshold
If you see this alert then the current configuration is global


You can manage the Description field for the Nodinite Resource. This option provides you a way to add a "comment" for the specific topic.

Timespan evaluation

  • Allowed timespan - manage threshold for the maximum allowed age for first message on the specific topic
State Name Data Type Value Example Description
Warning TimeSpan Timespan 00:05:00 (5 minutes) The age of first message on the topic subscription to trigger Warning alert
Error TimeSpan Timespan 01:10:00 (1 hour 10 minutes) The age of first message on the topic to trigger Error alert

Number evaluation

  • Count Evaluation Type
    • None - Topic subscriptions are not evaluated based on any of the number based options
    • Fixed - Monitor on fixed numbers

Count Evaluation Type
Options for monitoring of topic based on numbers.


With the None option no monitoring on numbers will be performed.
None option


With the Fixed option monitoring is based on "fixed" numbers.
Fixed option

State Name Data Type Value Example Description
Warning Count integer >=0 The number of messages to go above on the topic to trigger Warning alert
Error Count integer >=0 The number of messages to go above on the topic to trigger Error alert

Service Bus Topic Details

Select Topic Details to open a modal with information about the Service Bus:
Example with basic information about the selected Topic.


You can further expand with more information about Subscriptions by expanding the accordion:
List of Subscriptions.


You can further expand with more information about Properties by expanding the accordion:
List of additional properties


You can further expand with more information about Thresholds by expanding the accordion:
Read-only view of the current thresholds for selected topic.

Enable Topic

Enable Topic Menu Item

If you click on the 'Enable' menu item of the Actions button you are presented with a confirmation dialogue:
Confirm Enable Topic operation

If the operation succeeds you are presented with this information Success

Disable topic

Disable Topic Menu Item

If you click on the 'Disable' menu item of the Actions button you are presented with a confirmation dialogue:
Confirm Disable Topic operation

If the operation succeeds you are presented with this information Success

Azure Service Bus Topic Subscription

A User with access rights to a Monitor Views with the Resources of the Category 'Service Bus Topic Subscription' where Remote Actions are allowed can perform the Actions documented next.

Actions Action button
Remote Actions
Menu items

Service Bus Topic Subscription Details

Subscription Details

Subscription rules

You can further expand with more information about Subscription rules by expanding the accordion:
List of Subscriptions


You can further expand with more information about Properties by expanding the accordion:
List of additional properties


You can further expand with more information about Thresholds by expanding the accordion:
Read-only view of the current thresholds for selected topic

Enable Subscription

Enable Subscription Menu Item

If you click on the 'Enable' menu item of the Actions button you are presented with a confirmation dialogue:
Confirm Enable Subscription operation

If the operation succeeds you are presented with this information Success

Disable Subscription

Disable Subscription Menu Item

If you click on the 'Disable' menu item of the Actions button you are presented with a confirmation dialogue:
Confirm Disable Subscription operation

If the operation succeeds you are presented with this information

Next Step

Configure the Nodinite Message Queueing Monitoring Agent

Azure Service Bus Topics

Azure Service Bus Queues

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