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Learn how to monitor how well your SQL SSIS jobs executes and performs. The Database Monitoring Agent automatically creates one Resource per SQL SSIS package and can be monitored using suitable Monitor Views.

This page describes what's being monitored for SSIS Jobs in Nodinite using one or more role-based Monitor Views. Nodinite monitors the state based on user-defined thresholds, either global or specific. In addition, managing the SSIS Jobs, remote commands are available as Actions. These help you swiftly manage reported problems. The implemented Remote Actions are further detailed on this page.

SSIS Projects as Resources
Example list of monitored SSIS Projects in a Monitor View

Monitoring Features

  • Automatic Discovery - Projects and Packages are automatically discovered using the built-in logic.
  • State Evaluation - Based on the outcome of executions.
  • Category-based monitoring - To help you sort out the different types of SSIS related items, the monitored Resources are grouped by Categories.

Acquiring SSIS monitoring insights is very easy from within Nodinite using Monitor Views.

The monitored SSIS related items are displayed within Nodinite as Resources. So, for example, if you have 1 SSIS database with 4 master projects with 3 projects each, you will have 17 Resources in Nodinite.

  • The name of the Resources comes from the composition of the package folder and project names. This feature also provides a unique naming scheme.

  • All monitored SSIS items belongs to one of the following 'SSIS' Categories:

    Category Description
    SSIS Instance Make sure the SSIS database itself is really available
    SSIS Master Project Master packages groups projects and facilitates monitoring and management
    SSIS Project Make sure the individual projects are executing successfully

    List of SSIS related categories as the filter option in a Monitor View

  • The Application name is the Display Name from the user-defined configuration: Application Path Example

Each item (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) and is evaluated with a state. (OK, Warning, Error, Unavailable).

From within Nodinite, you can reconfigure the state evaluation on the Resource level using the Expected State feature.


Depending on the user-defined synchronization interval set for the Database Monitoring Agent, there might be a delay before Nodinite Web Client/Monitor Views reflects upon the change. Click the Sync All button (or on the dropdown for individual agent selection) to force Nodinite to request a resynchronization request.
Option to force Nodinite to request a resynchronization request with the monitoring agent.

Global Configuration

Click the SSIS tab to manage the SSIS monitoring options.
Configure SSIS Tab

  • Enable SSIS Monitoring - When checked, SSIS Monitoring is enabled, otherwise it is not.
  • Description - User-friendly description for this SSIS configuration.

Specific Projects

click the Add button to add specific settings for named SSIS projects:
Specific Projects

From within the modal, you can manage some basic configurations and also opt to provide some time-based options

First, in the Configuration tab, you will pinpoint details for the specific SSIS project:
Configuration Tab

Set the following properties:

  • Enable monitoring of specific SSIS Project - Enabled when checked
  • SSIS Folder Name - The name of the specific SSIS Folder
  • SSIS Project Name - The name of the specific SSIS Project
  • Clear Date-Time - Clear/Ignore all warning(s) and errors(s) that occurred before this time, events with an older date-time will not be evaluated/displayed __

SSIS Instance

For the SSIS Instance category, the monitored state evaluates as described in the table below:

SSIS Master Project

For the SSIS Master Project category, the monitored state evaluates as described in the table below:

SSIS Project

For the SSIS Project category, the monitored state evaluates as described in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'SSIS Project' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Error state raised SSIS executions that fail will render state 'Error' View Executions
Edit partial interval
OK Online Enabled and running View executions
Edit partial interval


The System Administrator can override the Monitoring state using the Expected State feature on the Resource within Nodinite.

View executions for SSIS Projects

View the last n runs of the selected SSIS package. The number of available logs can be set from within SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Please review the retention window user guide for additional details.

If used on a SSIS Project it shows all executed packages within that project. It's possible to expand each package to get a Overview of the run and also see the message log for it.

To conserve bandwidth and improve performance the list is presented using pagination.

The list can be updated by simply clicking the Reload button in the upper right corner, without the need to reopen the form.

The Default values are set using Remote Configuration. These global settings can be overridden by specific SSIS using the 'Edit SQL SSIS Configuration' action.

The following properties can be set:

  • Enable feature Monitoring of SSIS Packages
  • Description, a user-friendly description for SSIS
  • Specific Projects, Clear Date Time per SSIS Project to only evaluate status from this projects packages after this date and time


You can have the old failed runs removed, by applying a filter on old runs. The time for this filter is the point in time when you either click on the Clear action, or by manually editing the value in the global configuration. For selected SSIS job, simply click on the Action button and then click on the Clear menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Clear Menu Action
Filter old runs, using the 'Clear' action.

You will then be prompted to confirm the intent to proceed with the operation:
Clear intent modal
Here's an example of the 'Clear' prompt.

Next, a modal presents with the result of the operation:
Clear Success
Here's an example of a successful clear operation.


You must click 'Save' or 'Save and close' for changes to persist. The new settings/thresholds are evaluated on the next synchronization.
Save and Close buttons
Here's an example of the Save options.


Depending on the synchronization interval set for the agent, there might be a delay before the Web Client reflects upon the change. You can force the agent to synchronize the Configuration for all Nodinite Monitoring Agents.

Save and close, save, and close the dialogue.

Cancel, closes the dialogue without saving any changes.

Next Step

Add or manage Monitor View

Database Monitoring Agent
SQL Categories
Monitoring Agents
Monitor Views