Track, Archive and find Log Events and Data from all your Microsoft Logic Apps
The Nodinite Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring agent extracts logged incoming and outgoing events (payload and context properties), for all your Actions within all your Logic Apps. Nodinite creates a RunId property on each run making it easy for you to correlate and view events from runs. With Nodinite using Search Fields extract search field values from either the Context and/or the payload. Your business can, therefore, find business transactions using self-service enabled Log Views without asking you or your other IT related resources.
Multiple Subscriptions
Retention on Message Type
The Logging from each Azure Subscription is distinguished by setting a unique Log Agent ID. Business Users may gain access to logged data using Role-based Log Views.
When deploying new workflows, Nodinite automatically Monitor and Log the data given that the Logging feature is enabled, and the Azure diagnostics is properly setup.
Log Features
Nodinite Azure agents make use of the Azure built-in Diagnostics (Standard and Consumption) feature and offer you a long term archiving solution for your Logic Apps. Your Azure Subscriptions come with a limitation for how long tracked events are stored (Retention with major drawbacks). With Nodinite you have fine-grained control over how long time data will be available for your business. Store as much data as you like, for as long as you like.
- No coding required(!) i.e. NO VENDOR LOCK-IN
- We make use of the Event Hub to get the telemetry data
- We use the Azure REST API to download the state and the data
- Correlation for individual runs - Without custom coding(!)
- Nodinite groups (correlates) using the "Correlation Id" property, for end to end tracking that spans multiple logic apps, please read TOON VANHOUTTE - End-to-end correlation across Logic Apps article
- Successful/Failed runs - The Log Status Code is used to indicate the outcome of the run
- Failed Triggers
- Non-Events - Get alerts for traffic patterns that do not meet your thresholds. Use logged data together with Log Views and Non Events Agent to create virtually any non-event check imaginable
- Minimum number of runs over the lookback period
- Maximum number of runs over the lookback period
- Longest allowed Duration over the lookback period
- Shorter retention /Lower costs - Nodinite has a secure low-cost, long term storage
- Enable and Disable Logging
- Safe to stop - The agent keeps track for each Logic App when the last logged event was downloaded and will automatically resume operations
- Allow upgrading the agent at any time
- Allows Internet Access to be unavailable
- You are free to do whatever you want with your Logic Apps at any time
- Action Events - Based on your filter settings:
- In - All your inbound events are logged
- Out - All your outbound events are logged
- Tracked Properties - All your custom coded Tracked Properties are logged according to your filter settings.
Add Code to Workflows for Tracked Properties using Nodinite Context Options for an even better experience for you and your business
When using the Nodinite Log Views, you can now dig-in to logged data without the User having access to the Azure Portal .
- Run history - Use the RunId to perform correlated search operations (Application Interchange Id in Nodinite). The example below is using the Group By feature.
Here's an example with groups with correlated data for a run spanning Logic Apps, APIMs, and Functions. - Triggers and Actions - All Triggers and Actions according to the filter settings are automatically logged by the system.
- Payload - If you opt to include the payload in the Logging (filter setting), then, click on the Action button and then click on the 'View message body' menu item.
The body then displays on screen:
You can use a Stylesheet to render the base64 encoded payload as you feel fit, please review the 'Base64Decode XML from JSON' user-guide.
- Tracked Properties - If you opt to include tracked properties in the logging (filter setting), then, click on the small button and then click on the 'Context values' tab.
If you want to search for failed runs, then create a Log View and use the Log Status Code as a Search Field (built-in).
Failed runs monitoring is built-in:
Frequently asked questions
Additional solutions to common problems and the FAQ for the Nodinite Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring agent exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.
How do I get started?
Follow the Prerequisites user-guide.
How do I access the Logged data?
Access to logged data for Users is provided by the use of Log Views with Role-based security.
Add correlation ID to Service Bus Queue message
"CorrelationId": "@{workflow()['run']['name']}",
Read correlation Id from Service Bus Queue Message
@{if(equals(string(triggerBody()),''), guid(), coalesce(triggerOutputs().body?['CorrelationId'], guid()))}
Next Step
Install Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring agent
Add or manage Log View