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File Folder Configuration Example

On this page you will learn how to configure the Nodinite Pickup Logging Service to fetch Nodinite JSON Log Event from an File Folder (SMB).

graph TD subgraph "Folder" roS(fal:fa-folder-open Folder) roBO(fal:fa-trash-can Backout folder) end subgraph "Nodinite instance" roPS(fal:fa-truck-pickup Pickup Service) roPS -.->|Bad/invalid messages| roBO roS --> roPS roPS --> |Long term storage|roDB(fal:fa-database Log Database) end


The Folders section is where you manage File Folder related sources (Windows File Folders and SMB shares).

The configuration file (Settings.json), is in JSON format, the default path is:

C:\Program Files\Nodinite\Logging Agent - Pickup Service\Settings.json
  "Folders": [
      "Enabled": true,
      "LogApi": "https://localhost/Nodinite/Dev/LogAPI/",
      "UseConfigurationDatabase": false,
      "ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString": null,
      "Folder": "C:\\Temp\\Nodinite.LogAgent.PickupService.Test",
      "BackoutFolder": "C:\\Temp\\BackoutFiles",
      "RemoveEmptyFiles": true,
      "Filter": "*.json",
      "IncludeChildFolders": false,
      "ExcludeChildFolders": [
          "Name": "C:\\Temp\\Nodinite.LogAgent.PickupService.Test\\NotMe"
      "ReplaceRules": [
          "Name": "Fix Endpoint real customer id to {customerId}",
          "ReplaceName": false,
          "ReplaceUri": true,
          "Pattern": "/([0-9]{4,})$",
          "Group1Value": "{customerId}"

Folders is an array of a Folder configuration. Each configuration is valid for one Folder. This configuration tells the Log Agent where to look for log messages with the Nodinite JSON Log Events.

Property Description Value Example Comment
Folder The Folder where to look for log files for a network share, this means \\server\share will be \\\\server\\share in the JSON configuration file Use \\ to escape \ in the JSON notation.
BackoutFolder The Folder where to put invalid log files for a network share, this means \\server\theothershare will be \\\\server\\theothershare in the JSON configuration file Use \\ to escape \ in the JSON notation. CAUTION This should NOT be a child folder if the IncludeChildFolders option is enabled, unless, you have a proper exclude configuration for these
RemoveEmptyFiles When true, then empty files will be removed by the system true, false Empty files should not have been here anyway...
Filter A file filter to only look for file matching pattern. *.log or *.json, ... Can contain a combination of valid literal path and wildcard (* and ?)
IncludeChildFolders A flag used to search for JSON Log Event in subfolders true or false
ExcludeChildFolders An array of child folders to exclude if the IncludeChildFolders property is set to true Note: The full path must be provided, not only the name of the subfolder
Enabled Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
LogAPI Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
UseConfigurationDatabase Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
ReplaceRules Review the shared Replace Rules section for additional information


You must restart the Nodinite Pickup Log Events Logging Service for the changes to the configuration file to be operational.

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