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Azure Storage Blob Container Configuration Example

On this page you will learn how to configure the Nodinite Pickup Logging Service to fetch Nodinite JSON Log Event from an Azure Storage Account Blob Container.

graph TD subgraph "Azure Storage Account" roS(fal:fa-boxes Container) roBO(fal:fa-trash-can Backout Container) end subgraph "Nodinite instance" roPS(fal:fa-truck-pickup Pickup Service) roPS -.->|Bad/invalid messages| roBO roS --> |Blob| roPS roPS --> |Long term storage|roDB(fal:fa-database Log Database) end


The BlobContainers section is where you manage Azure Storage Account Blob Container related sources.

The configuration file (Settings.json), is in JSON format, the default path is:

C:\Program Files\Nodinite\Logging Agent - Pickup Service\Settings.json
  "BlobContainers": [
      "Enabled": true,
      "LogAPI": "http://localhost/Nodinite/Dev/LogAPI/",
      "UseConfigurationDatabase": false,
      "ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString": null,
      "BlobStorageConnectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=xyz;AccountKey=xyz==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net",
      "ContainerName": "nodinitelogevents",
      "BackoutContainerName": "nodinitelogeventsbackout",
      "DisableCheckAccessRights": false,
      "RemoveEmptyBlobs": false,   
       "ReplaceRules": [
          "Name": "Fix Endpoint real customer id to {customerId}",
          "ReplaceName": false,
          "ReplaceUri": true,
          "Pattern": "/([0-9]{4,})$",
          "Group1Value": "{customerId}"

BlobContainers is an array of a BlobContainer configuration. Each configuration is valid for one source Container. This configuration tells the Log Agent where to look for log messages with the Nodinite JSON Log Events.

Property Description Value Example Comment
RemoveEmptyBlobs When true, then empty blobs will be removed by the system true, false Empty blobs should not have been here anyway...
BlobStorageConnectionString Connection string for Storage Account DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=replaceme;AccountKey=replaceme;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net
ContainerName The Container with Blobs (Nodinite JSON Log Events) nodinitelogevents
BackoutContainerName The Container to use for malformed or invalid blobs nodinitelogeventsbackout
DisableCheckAccessRights Flag to enable/disable checking proper access to Containers before each run false This feature is false by default, you may choose to opt out saving you roughly 1€ per configuration and month. The default behaviour is more reliable when there are intermittent errors and/or configuration problems, for example with a bad, or changed configuration in Azure.
Enabled Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
LogAPI Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
UseConfigurationDatabase Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
ReplaceRules Review the shared Replace Rules section for additional information


You must restart the Nodinite Pickup Logging Service for the changes to the configuration file to be operational.

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