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Mulesoft AnypointMQ Configuration Example

On this page you will learn how to configure the Nodinite Pickup Logging Service to fetch Nodinite JSON Log Event from a Mulesoft AnypointMQ queue.

graph TD subgraph "Mulesoft AnypointMQ" roS(fal:fa-list Queue) roBO(fal:fa-trash-can Dead letter queue) end subgraph "Nodinite instance" roPS(fal:fa-truck-pickup Pickup Service) roPS -.->|Bad/invalid messages| roBO roS --> roPS roPS --> |Long term storage|roDB(fal:fa-database Log Database) end


The AnypointMQs section is where you manage AnypointMQ related sources.

The configuration file (Settings.json), is in JSON format, the default path is:

C:\Program Files\Nodinite\Logging Agent - Pickup Service\Settings.json
  "AnypointMQs": [
      "Enabled": true,
      "LogAPI": "http://localhost/Nodinite/Dev/LogAPI/",
      "UseConfigurationDatabase": false,
      "ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString": null,
      "ActiveConsumers": 1,
      "Username": "nodinite-reader",
      "Environment": "prod",
      "EnvironmentId" : "f7a16b7b-1337-4cb5-93ba-1e5289f707ec",
      "OrganizationId": "75ec82b6-f930-4ea2-1337-7c56ee24c9d3",
      "UseConnectedApp": true,
      "IsEuPanel": false,
      "ClientId": "9186414a9dc4dfc94c4ccf670d25e4e",
      "ClientSecret": "replaceme",
      "RegionId": "eu-west-1",
      "Queue": "LogEvents",
      "DeadLetterQueue": "LogEvents.dlq",
       "ReplaceRules": [
          "Name": "Fix Endpoint real customer id to {customerId}",
          "ReplaceName": false,
          "ReplaceUri": true,
          "Pattern": "/([0-9]{4,})$",
          "Group1Value": "{customerId}"

AnypointMQs is an array of an AnypointMQ object. Each AnypointMQ object points to one AnypointMQ queue where the Log Agent should look for utf-8 encoded JSON Log Events.

Property Description Value Example Comment
ActiveConsumers Number of threads to run 1 Currently limited to 1 thread
Username The name of the user to logon with nodinite-reader
Password Password for user 1337
Environment The name of the environment Test
EnvironmentId Identifier for environment f7a16b7b-1337-4cb5-93ba-1e5289f707ec Guid
OrganizationId Identifier for organization 65ec82b6-f930-4ea2-1337-7c56ee24c9d3 Guid
RegionId Name of region North America Northern Virginia (us-east-1), Oregon (us-west-2), Central Canada (ca-central-1),
Europe Ireland (eu-west-1), London (eu-west-2)
APAC Singapore (ap-southeast-1), Sydney (ap-southeast-2)
According to your run-time, for example eu-west-1
UseConnectedApp Flag to use Connected App, or not true or false True when ClientId and ClientSecret is set, otherwise use Username/Password New
IsEuPanel True when using EU control plane true or false New
ClientId ClientId when using Connected App option 9186414a9dc4dfc94c4ccf670d25e4e New
ClientSecret ClientSecret when using Connected App option replaceme New
Queue Name of the queue with JSON Log Events Nodinite-LogEvents
DeadLetterQueue Name of queue for invalid Log Events Nodinite-LogEvents.DLQ
Enabled Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
LogAPI Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
UseConfigurationDatabase Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString Review the Shared Configuration section for additional information
ReplaceRules Review the shared Replace Rules section for additional information


You must restart the Nodinite Pickup Logging Service for the changes to the configuration file to be operational.

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