Logging with the IBM Integration Bus Logging Agent
On this page you will learn how to achieve end-to-end Logging of the IBM Monitoring Events and Nodinite. You will also learn hos the Logging is being performed technically, and you will also learn about the rules for mapping the IBM Monitoring Event into a Nodinite Log Event.
Create the Monitoring Profile
IBM has the following user guides available for creating the required Monitoring Profile from which IBM Monitoring Events will be emitted:
IBM Integration Bus Version | How to Create the Monitoring Profile | Monitoring Event |
12 | ||
11 | ||
10 | ||
9 |
You may also find this IBM blog post helpful with a complete user guide for:
Technical details for Logging IBM Monitoring Events
In your environment you may have multiple IBM Integration Bus workflows running on different servers. This means you may end up having tons of Monitoring Events to search. You may have different developers having enabled or tuned logging differently due to lack of governance. With Nodinite you get total control and a foundation for governance and an active documentation using our Repository Model. With Nodinite you can centralize logging and manage/share insights from IBM Monitoring events.
Messages put on IBM MQ queues are consumed by Nodinite, you do not need to create custom cleaning tasks
Scenario: Basic Request/Response
In this scenario we have one or more Consumers of the IBM Integration Bus workflow.
IBM Monitoring Events enabled
Enable logging by defining Monitoring profiles. With the built-in IBM Monitoring Events enabled the Request and the Response is caught by the policy and is copied to the IBM MQ destination queue.
Nodinite Nodinite Logging
The Nodinite IBM Integration Bus Logging Agent consumes the Monitoring Events on the IBM MQ queues. This means that Nodinite will NOT waste your disk space or other valuable resources over time and you do not have to setup any cleaning maintenance jobs.
Mapping from IBM Monitoring Event to Nodinite Log Event
This paragraph describes the how IBM Monitoring Events are mapped to Nodinite Log Events.
You must first configure IBM Integration Bus to emit Monitor Events to one or more queues, read more in the Configuring IBM Integration Bus Logging user guide.
IBM changed the format with version 11 (same for version 12) compared to version 9 and 10.
Version 11 and 12 (ACE)
This section applies to IBM ACE
Sample IBM Monitoring Event (XML Message)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mon:event xmlns:mon="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/monitoring/event/v2">
<mon:eventData mon:productVersion="110010"
mon:profileVersion="11" mon:eventSourceAddress="HTTP Input.transaction.Start">
<mon:eventIdentity mon:eventName="HTTP Input.TransactionStart" />
<mon:eventSequence mon:creationTime="2020-07-20T16:20:21.776758Z"
mon:counter="1" />
<mon:eventCorrelation mon:localTransactionId="40ddc412-f102-4840-a212-8b793d12b6bf-1"
mon:parentTransactionId="" mon:globalTransactionId="" />
<mon:integrationServer mon:name="110010"
mon:hostName="DESKTOP-7Q9JIP6" />
<mon:application mon:name="Transformation_Map" />
<mon:messageFlow mon:uniqueFlowName="110010.Transformation_Map.Transformation_Map"
mon:name="Transformation_Map" mon:threadId="12244" />
<mon:node mon:nodeLabel="HTTP Input" mon:nodeType="ComIbmWSInputNode" />
<mon:bitstream mon:serializationEncoding="base64Binary"
mon:dataCCSID="1208" mon:dataEncoding="546">UE9TVCBodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0Ojc4MDAvVHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25fTWFwIEhUVFAvMS4xDQpDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6IHRleHQvcGxhaW47IGNoYXJzZXQ9dXRmLTgNClVzZXItQWdlbnQ6IEphdmEvMS44LjBfMjUxDQpIb3N0OiBsb2NhbGhvc3Q6NzgwMA0KQWNjZXB0OiB0ZXh0L2h0bWwsIGltYWdlL2dpZiwgaW1hZ2UvanBlZywgKjsgcT0uMiwgKi8qOyBxPS4yDQpDb25uZWN0aW9uOiBrZWVwLWFsaXZlDQpDb250ZW50LUxlbmd0aDogNjgwDQpYLU9yaWdpbmFsLUhUVFAtQ29tbWFuZDogUE9TVCBodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0Ojc4MDAvVHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25fTWFwIEhUVFAvMS4xDQpYLVNlcnZlci1OYW1lOiBsb2NhbGhvc3QNClgtU2VydmVyLVBvcnQ6IDc4MDANClgtUmVtb3RlLUFkZHI6IDEyNy4wLjAuMQ0KWC1SZW1vdGUtSG9zdDogbG9jYWxob3N0DQpYLVNjaGVtZTogaHR0cA0KDQo8P3htbCB2ZXJzaW9uPSIxLjAiIGVuY29kaW5nPSJVVEYtOCI/Pg0KPFNhbGVFbnZlbG9wZT4NCgk8SGVhZGVyPg0KCQk8U2FsZUxpc3RDb3VudD4xPC9TYWxlTGlzdENvdW50Pg0KCQk8VHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25UeXBlPnhzbDwvVHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25UeXBlPg0KCTwvSGVhZGVyPg0KCTxTYWxlTGlzdD4NCgkJPEludm9pY2U+DQoJCQk8SW5pdGlhbD5UPC9Jbml0aWFsPg0KCQkJPEluaXRpYWw+SjwvSW5pdGlhbD4NCgkJCTxTdXJuYW1lPkR1bm53aW48L1N1cm5hbWU+DQoJCQk8SXRlbT4NCgkJCQk8Q29kZT4wNDwvQ29kZT4NCgkJCQk8Q29kZT4wNTwvQ29kZT4NCgkJCQk8Q29kZT4wMTwvQ29kZT4NCgkJCQk8RGVzY3JpcHRpb24+VGhlIE9yaWdpbiBvZiBTcGVjaWVzPC9EZXNjcmlwdGlvbj4NCgkJCQk8Q2F0ZWdvcnk+Qm9va3MgYW5kIE1lZGlhPC9DYXRlZ29yeT4NCgkJCQk8UHJpY2U+MjIuMzQ8L1ByaWNlPg0KCQkJCTxRdWFudGl0eT4wMjwvUXVhbnRpdHk+DQoJCQk8L0l0ZW0+DQoJCQk8QmFsYW5jZT44MS44NDwvQmFsYW5jZT4NCgkJCTxDdXJyZW5jeT5FdXJvczwvQ3VycmVuY3k+DQoJCTwvSW52b2ljZT4NCgk8L1NhbGVMaXN0Pg0KCTxUcmFpbGVyPg0KCQk8Q29tcGxldGlvblRpbWU+MTIuMDAuMDA8L0NvbXBsZXRpb25UaW1lPg0KCTwvVHJhaWxlcj4NCjwvU2FsZUVudmVsb3BlPg==</mon:bitstream>
Mapping table between Log Event and the IBM Monitoring Event
Mandatory | Data Type | Field | Path | Value |
string |
LogAgentValueId | N/A | Configuration file | |
string |
EndPointName | event/eventPointData/eventData/eventIdentity/@eventName | HTTP Input.TransactionStart | |
string |
EndPointUri | event/eventPointData/eventData/@eventSourceAddress | HTTP Input.TransactionStartNOTE Ensure the Monitoring profile listens on the "right" side of the IIB shape | |
number |
EndPointDirection | event/eventPointData/eventData/@eventSourceAddress | From Terminal shape .in=0, .out = 1, no match = -2 | |
number |
EndPointTypeId | N/A | 41 | |
string |
OriginalMessageTypeName | "Monitoring Event" | Hardcoded, unless the payload is XML; Then Nodinite extracts the Message Type Name, else, please use Context Options and send as simpleContent | |
string |
LogDateTime | event/eventPointData/eventData/eventSequence/@creationTime | 2020-07-20T16:20:21.776758Z | |
number |
EventDirection | - | Send as SimpleContent, see example below table:
string |
ProcessingUser | N/A | ||
number |
SequenceNo | event/eventPointData/eventData/eventSequence/@counter | 1 | |
number |
EventNumber | N/A | ||
string |
LogText | - | Send as SimpleContent, see example below table:
string |
ApplicationInterchangeId | TBD missing in ACE was previously event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/messageFlow/@UUID | N/A | |
guid |
LocalInterchangeId | event/eventPointData/eventData/eventCorrelation/@localTransactionId | 40ddc412-f102-4840-a212-8b793d12b6bf-1 | |
string |
LogStatus | N/A | '-1' (Unknown) if no match on EndPointDirection, else '0' (OK) and '-2' (catch)This value may be overridden using a value for LogStatusCode as simpleContent |
string |
ProcessName | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/messageFlow/@uniqueFlowName | 110010.Transformation_Map.Transformation_Map | |
string |
ProcessingMachineName | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/integrationServer/@hostName | ACESRV01.ACME.local | |
string |
ProcessingUser | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/integrationNode/@name | XYZ.123Q | |
string |
ProcessingModuleName | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/node/@nodeLabel | HTTP Input | |
string |
ProcessingModuleType | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/node/@nodeType | ComIbmWSInputNode | |
guid |
ServiceInstanceActivityId | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/messageFlow/@threadId | 4201NOTE: If this is not a GUID, then the value is in the Context collection with the ThreadId as the key | |
string |
ProcessingTime | N/A |
Use the Nodinite Context Options to override default behaviour
Version 9 and 10
Sample IBM Monitoring Event (XML Message)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wmb:event xmlns:wmb="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/websphere/messagebroker/6.1.0/monitoring/event">
<wmb:eventData wmb:eventSourceAddress="MQInput1.terminal.in" wmb:eventSchemaVersion="" wmb:productVersion="7000">
<wmb:eventIdentity wmb:eventName="MQInput event"/>
<wmb:eventSequence wmb:creationTime="2017-09-23T12:00:00+02:00" wmb:counter='2'/>
<wmb:eventCorrelation wmb:localTransactionId="a13122ae-1c01-0000-0080-b1b02528c6cd" wmb:parentTransactionId="456" wmb:globalTransactionId="789"/>
<wmb:broker wmb:UUID="d53122ae-1c01-0000-0080-b1b02528c6bf" wmb:name="myBroker"/>
<wmb:executionGroup wmb:UUID="d43122ae-1c01-0000-0080-b1b02528c6bf" wmb:name="default"/>
<wmb:messageFlow wmb:UUID="e6d224ae-1c01-0000-0080-9100cd1a61f7" wmb:name="myMessageFlow" wmb:threadId="4201" wmb:uniqueFlowName="myBroker.default.myMessageFlow"/>
<wmb:node wmb:nodeLabel="MQInput1" wmb:nodeType="ComIbmMqInputNode" wmb:terminal="in" wmb:detail="MYMESSAGEFLOW.IN"/>
<wmb:applicationData xmlns="">
<wmb:simpleContent wmb:name="invoiceNo" wmb:targetNamespace="" wmb:dataType="string" wmb:value="567"/>
<wmb:complexContent wmb:elementName="customerName" wmb:targetNamespace="">
Mapping table between Log Event and the IBM Monitoring Event
Mandatory | Data Type | Field | Path | Value |
string |
LogAgentValueId | N/A | Configuration file | |
string |
EndPointName | event/eventPointData/eventData/eventIdentity/@eventName | MQInput event | |
string |
EndPointUri | event/eventPointData/eventData/@eventSourceAddress | MQInput1.terminal.inNOTE: Ensure the Monitoring profile listens to the "right" side of the IIB shape | |
number |
EndPointDirection | event/eventPointData/eventData/@eventSourceAddress | From Terminal shape .in=0, .out = 1, no match = -2 | |
number |
EndPointTypeId | N/A | 41 | |
string |
OriginalMessageTypeName | "Monitoring Event" | Hardcoded, unless the payload is XML; Then Nodinite extracts the Message Type Name, else, please use Context Options and send as simpleContent | |
string |
LogDateTime | event/eventPointData/eventData/eventSequence/@creationTime | 2017-09-23T12:00:00+02:00 | |
number |
EventDirection | - | Send as SimpleContent, see example below table:
string |
ProcessingUser | N/A | ||
number |
SequenceNo | event/eventPointData/eventData/eventSequence/@counter | 2 | |
number |
EventNumber | N/A | ||
string |
LogText | - | Send as SimpleContent, see example below table:
string |
ApplicationInterchangeId | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/messageFlow/@UUID | e6d224ae-1c01-0000-0080-9100cd1a61f7 | |
guid |
LocalInterchangeId | event/eventPointData/eventData/eventCorrelation/@localTransactionId | a13122ae-1c01-0000-0080-b1b02528c6cd | |
string |
LogStatus | N/A | '-1' (Unknown) if no match on EndPointDirection, else '0' (OK) and '-2' (catch)This value may be overridden using a value for LogStatusCode as simpleContent |
string |
ProcessName | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/messageFlow/@uniqueFlowName | myBroker.default.myMessageFlow | |
string |
ProcessingMachineName | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/broker/@name | myBroker | |
string |
ProcessingModuleName | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/node/@nodeLabel | MQInput1 | |
string |
ProcessingModuleType | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/node/@nodeType | ComIbmMqInputNode | |
guid |
ServiceInstanceActivityId | event/eventPointData/messageFlowData/messageFlow/@threadId | 4201[!NOTE] |
If this is not a GUID, then the value is in the Context collection with the ThreadId as the key| ||
Use the Nodinite Context Options to override default behaviour
The following simpleContent will be converted to Nodinite Context Properties (Key Value pairs):
The wmb prefix is just a prefix, it can be different in your instance/examples and you can use the Nodinite Context Options to override default behaviour
Additional field values
The following example converts simpleContent to Additional Field Values:
From | To |
<p:simpleContent p:name="ToolOfTheDay" p:dataType="string"><p:valueQuery p:queryText="'Nodinite'"/></p:simpleContent> |
Key=ToolOfTheDayValue: Nodinite |
<p:simpleContent p:name="invoiceNo" p:dataType="int"><p:valueQuery p:queryText="'123'"/></p:simpleContent> |
Key: invoiceNo Value: 123 |
Override options
Use the following override options to change some properties of the final Log Event before it is pushed to Nodinite.
From | To |
<p:simpleContent p:name="LogStatusCode" p:dataType="int"><p:valueQuery p:queryText="'-1337'"/></p:simpleContent> |
Optional override for LogStatus |
<p:simpleContent p:name="ExtendedProperties/1.0#MessageTypeName" p:dataType="string"><p:valueQuery p:queryText="'https://www.acme.com/supplychain/1.0#invoice'"/></p:simpleContent> |
Optional override for MessageType |
<p:simpleContent p:name="ExtendedProperties/1.0#LogText" p:dataType="string"><p:valueQuery p:queryText="'Hello World'"/></p:simpleContent> |
Optional override for LogTextValue: Hello world |
<p:simpleContent p:name="ExtendedProperties/1.0#EndpointDirection" p:dataType="int"><p:valueQuery p:queryText="0"/></p:simpleContent> |
Optional override for EndpointDirectionValue: 0 (Receive) |
Event Direction
You can provide additional information about the direction of the logged event(EventDirection). Simply log the message using simpleContent using either the integer or string value as exemplified in the table below:
# | string Value | integer Value | Comment |
Default | null | Not set | |
1 | ExternalIncoming | 17 | Incoming message before receive in a One-Way receive Port processing |
2 | ExternalIncomingRequest | 21 | Incoming request message before receive Request-Response Port processing |
3 | ExternalIncomingResponse | 25 | Outgoing response message after receive Request-Response Port processing |
4 | ExternalOutgoing | 18 | Outgoing message after send in a One-Way Port processing |
5 | ExternalOutgoingRequest | 22 | Outgoing request message after send Request-Response Port processing |
6 | ExternalOutgoingResponse | 26 | Incoming response message after send Request-Response Port processing |
7 | InternalIncoming | 33 | Incoming message after receive in a One-Way receive Port processing |
8 | InternalOutgoing | 34 | Outgoing message before send in a One-Way send Port processing |
9 | ProcessIncoming | 65 | Incoming message to a function/workflow/orchestration |
10 | ProcessOutgoing | 66 | Outgoing message to a function/workflow/orchestration |
<p:simpleContent p:name="ExtendedProperties/1.0#EventDirection" p:dataType="integer"><p:valueQuery p:queryText="17"/></p:simpleContent>
Example sending EventDirection ExternalIncoming using integer value
<p:simpleContent p:name="ExtendedProperties/1.0#EventDirection" p:dataType="string"><p:valueQuery p:queryText="ExternalIncoming"/></p:simpleContent>
Example sending EventDirection ExternalIncoming using string value
complexContent will be converted to Nodinite Context Properties (Key Value pairs):
From | To |
Use the Formula plugin to extract values from ComplexContent context properties!
If you have a Monitoring Profile that catches the error information as ExceptionList
in the ComplexContent element then Nodinite will replace any existing body with this XML content. The LogStatus code if not overridden will be set to -2.
The name of the ComplexContent element does not matter when the content is
xml data.
An exception Log Event if not overridden has this Message Type Name: IBM.IIB.ExceptionList/6.1.0
The content of the <bitstreamData>
element is the payload encoded as a base64string. Nodinite internally happens to use the same base64string encoding for the payload so this value is simply copied to the body property of the Log Event.
Transaction Ids
Some properties for correlation are put in the Additional Fields but they are also copied to the Context Properties.
<wmb:eventCorrelation wmb:localTransactionId="123" wmb:parentTransactionId="456" wmb:globalTransactionId="789"/>
Key | Value |
Environment.Monitoring.EventCorrelation.LocalTransactionId |
123 |
Environment.Monitoring.EventCorrelation.ParentTransactionId |
456 |
Environment.Monitoring.EventCorrelation.GlobalTransactionId |
789 |
RFH2 Header
If your IBM MQ message has an RFH2 header, then, the IBM Integration Bus Logging Agent converts all these to Context Properties and thus becomes an integral part of the Nodinite Log Event.
Nodinite IBM Integration Bus Logging Agent takes care of the RFH2 header automatically if it exists on the IBM MQ queue
Next Step
Now Add or manage Log Views and use the Log Views to enjoy end-to-end tracking with Nodinite including IBM Monitoring Events.
- Context Options - Additional optional properties
- Log Agents - Manage Log Agents