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Uninstalling the Nodinite Boomi Integrations Monitoring Agent

The Nodinite Boomi Integrations Monitoring agent can only be uninstalled manually. In this guide you will learn how to perform the required steps.


You should remove the Monitoring Agents and applicable Resources in use within Monitor Views before uninstalling the agent.

If you uninstall the agent without removing the Monitoring Agents alerts with errors will be sent to users. Also, the Monitoring Agent Configuration will be listed as unavailable in the list of available Monitoring Agents

Example of uninstalled and therefore unavailable Monitoring Agents:
Unavailable Monitoring Agent
Generic example of unavailable Monitoring Agents

Uninstall guide

Follow the steps next to uninstall the Nodinite Boomi Integrations Monitoring agent.

Step 1: Stop the Application Pool

In this step, you will make sure files are no longer being used.

  1. Open the IIS management console (inetmgr)
  2. Stopthe IIS App Pool. The default as documented is Nodinite - Boomi Monitoring

Step 2: Remove Web Application

In this step, you will remove the IIS Web Application.

  1. Make a note of the folder being used. Or even better open the containing folder.
  2. Remove the Web Application from the IIS management console

Step 3: Remove Binaries

In this step, you will clean up the file system.

  1. Navigate to the parent of the installation folder, the default as documented is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Nodinite\
  2. Delete the BoomiMonitoring folder


Contact our Support for additional guidance if you fail to resolve the installation problem.


Additional information to aid the troubleshooting may exist in the Windows Event Logs.

Next Step

Add or manage a Monitoring Agent Configuration Add or manage Monitor View

Monitoring Agents
Monitor Views