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Monitoring Boomi Integrations

Learn how to monitor and deal with various problems like failed runs and disabled Boomi Integrations

This section describes what's being monitored and the rules for how Nodinite translates this into meaningful monitoring states. Also, some remote commands are available as Actions to help you swiftly manage problems. Actions are further detailed on the Managing Boomi Integrations page.

graph LR subgraph "Nodinite" roNI(fal:fa-code-commit Boomi Monitoring agent) ---roMonitor[fal:fa-monitor-waveform Monitoring] end subgraph "Boomi Integrations Accounts" roMonitor --- roEnv(fal:fa-cloud Environments) roEnv --- roAtoms(fal:fa-atom Atoms) roAtoms ---roPx((fal:fa-gears Processes)) roAtoms -.- roJMX(fab:fa-java Java JMX) roJMX --- roCPU(fal:fa-microchip CPU) roJMX --- roMem(fal:fa-memory Memory) end

JMX Monitoring is detailed in the Nodinite JMX Monitoring Agent

Monitoring Features

  • Automatic Discovery
    • The Nodinite monitoring agent uses the AtomSphere API and offers you an automatic discovery of your Boomi Integrations for configured Accounts. Sharing access to any individual Process is very easy from within Nodinite using Monitor Views.
  • State Evaluation - Make sure the Boomi Integrations have the intended run-time state!
    • State evaluation for Boomi Integrations
      • Enabled/Disabled - Provides means to get you alerted if anyone disables your Atoms and more
    • Process - monitor the state and performance of executions
    • Failed Process Executions - monitor failed process executions

      If Nodinite can't check the state of your Boomi Integrations, chances are no one else can use them either

  • Category-based monitoring - To help you sort out the different types of artifacts, the monitored Resources are grouped by Categories
    List of Boomi Integration categories being monitored
Resource Name Monitoring Actions Metrics/Statistics
Account Details
Processing report
Atom Details
Processing reporting
Environment Details -
Process Resume Schedules
Stop Schedules
Edit threshold
Failed Process Executions Show failed executions
Clear failed

State evaluation for Boomi Integrations

BoomiAsResources List of Boomi Integration Resources in a Nodinite Monitor View.


The Account configuration groups all related Boomi resources like:

Each Account is presented within Nodinite as one Resource. If you have 3 configured Accounts, then you will have 3 Resources in Nodinite.

Each Account (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) has one of the following evaluated states at any given moment:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'Account' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Remote Configuration
Error Error threshold is breached Not implemented
Warning Warning threshold is breached Not implemented -
OK Within user-defined thresholds Account configuration is operational Details
Processing report

Account Resource is unavailable
Here's an example of unavailable Account resources, either due to bad configuration or there is a problem with the Boomi Integration Account


Each Atom is presented within Nodinite as one Resource. If you have 7 deployed Atoms, then you will have 7 Resources in Nodinite.

  • The name of the Resources comes from the name of the deployed Atom
  • Boomi Atoms belong to the 'Atom' Category
  • The Application name is based on physical deployment paths. This pattern guarantees uniqueness:
    • Account name/Environment name/Atom name

Boomi Monitoring Application Naming
Here's an example of Application naming pattern.

Each Atom (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) has one of the following evaluated states at any given moment:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'Atom' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Error threshold is breached Atom is offline -
Warning Warning threshold is breached Atom is detached -
OK Within user-defined thresholds Atom is online and operational Details
Processing reporting

Atom is offline
Here's an example of an Atom that is currently offline

From within Nodinite, you can reconfigure the state evaluation on Resource level using the Expected State feature.


Each Environment is presented within Nodinite as one Resource. If you have three Boomi Environments within one Account, then you will have three Resources in Nodinite.

  • The name of the Resources comes from the name of the deployed Boomi Environment for the specified Account
  • Boomi Environments belong to the 'Environment' Category
  • The Application name is based on physical deployment paths. This pattern guarantees uniqueness:
    • Display name from Account name configuration

Application name for Boomi Environments
Here's an example of Application naming pattern for Boomi Environments

Each Environment (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) has one of the following evaluated states at any given moment:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'Environment' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Error threshold is breached Not implemented -
Warning Warning threshold is breached No Atoms exists for this environment and/or all the Atoms are detached -
OK Within user-defined thresholds Environment exists Details


Each Process is presented within Nodinite as one Resource. If you have three deployed processes, then you will have three Resources in Nodinite.

  • The name of the Resources comes from the name of the deployed Boomi Process
  • Boomi Processes belong to the 'Process' Category
  • The Application name is based on physical deployment paths. This pattern guarantees uniqueness:
    • Display name from Account name configuration/Environment name/Atom name/Folder name

Application name for Boomi Processes
Here's an example of Application naming pattern for Boomi Processes.

Each Process (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) has one of the following evaluated states at any given moment:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'Process' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Error threshold is breached The time-based Error threshold was breached
Process schedule is disabled
Process is error-prone
Resume Schedules
Stop Schedules
Edit threshold
Warning Warning threshold is breached The time-based Warning threshold was breached Resume Schedules
Stop Schedules
Edit threshold
OK Within user-defined thresholds Process is operational and not error-prone Resume Schedules
Stop Schedules
Edit threshold

Failed Process Executions

Each Process with Failed Executions is presented within Nodinite as one Resource. If you have three deployed processes, then you will have three Resources in Nodinite.

  • The name of the Resources comes from the name of the deployed Boomi Process
  • Boomi Processes belong to the 'Process - Failed Execution' Category
  • The Application name is based on physical deployment paths. This pattern guarantees uniqueness:
    • Display name from Account name configuration/Environment name/Atom name/Folder name

Application name for failed Boomi Processes
Here's an example of Application naming pattern for failed Boomi Process executions.

Each Process (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) has one of the following evaluated states at any given moment:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'Process' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Execution failed Failed executions exists after last clear date time Show failed executions
Clear failed
Warning - Not implemented
OK Process executions runs without errors There are no failed executions since the last clear date time Show failed executions
Clear failed

Alert history for Boomi Integration resources

During root cause analysis or other purposes, it might be helpful to understand how often your Boomi Integration solutions problems happen. If your Monitor View allows it, you can search for historical state changes for the provided timespan, either for all your Boomi Integration Resources or individually. This topic is further detailed within the generic instructions on how to Add or manage Monitor View page.

Search Resource history

Search for alert history for all resources in the Monitor View

Alert history for the selected Boomi Process

Frequently asked questions

Use the Troubleshooting guide to find the FAQ and answers to known problems.

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